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How To Find A Professional To Draft A Durable Financial Power Of Attorney Michigan

Murphy’s Law states that the worst things happen at the worst time.

Why are they the worst times? You’re completely flat footed. You didn’t know that they were coming. They come completely from left field and they leave you devastated. This is where a durable financial power of attorney comes in.

If something happens to you and you can’t make financial decisions on your own, you need a power of attorney so that your family can access your finances to pay bills and medical expenses.A comprehensive estate plan should include a durable power of attorney to protect both you and your family.

It’s best to find a professional to help you draft a power of attorney to make sure it is properly written and legally binding. If you live in Michigan, the steps below will help you find a lawyer to draft a durable financial power of attorney Michigan residents would trust.

Start With Clear Objectives

The first thing that you need to do is be as clear as possible as to the outcome you’re looking for. Why do you want this document drafted in the first place? What kind of assets do you have? What interests are you trying to protect? What kind of worst-case scenario is you interested in preventing?

This is an important step because you will want to communicate these objectives to an estate planning attorney. Estate planning attorneys specialize in drafting wills, trusts, and powers of attorney for clients.

Understanding your objectives helps the professional advise you best on the types of legal documents that can help you achieve your goals. Often times people think that all they need is a financial power of attorney to protect them when in fact they need much more. That’s why it’s best to communicate your objectives and what kind of scenarios you are trying to avoid when speaking with a professional.

Check with State Bar

Now that you are clear as to what your objectives are, the next step is to find the right attorney to draft a financial power of attorney. This person must know how to write these documents correctly and how to make them legally binding.

You don’t want to trust an online form, because you don’t know who wrote it or if it is legally valid in your state. Laws change from state to state, so what may be valid in Ohio, may not be valid in Michigan.

The most logical place to start is by reaching out to the bar association in your state and asking them for a list of local estate planning attorneys. As we stated earlier, estate planning attorneys specialize in drafting these kinds of documents.

They can also advise you on whether a power of attorney is enough to achieve your goals, or whether you may need additional documents to get the protection you’re looking for.

Make a short list of lawyers for an initial consultation

You can also do a Google search for estate planning lawyers in your area to come up with a short list of qualified professionals you can meet with. Scheduling an initial consultation is the best way for your to get your questions answered because the information you are getting is personalized to your unique situation.

This is an advantage over doing endless research on the internet. Info on the internet is often generic and can leave you with more questions than you had in the first place. Take the opportunity to meet with an attorney face to face.

If you like them, you have a professional right in front of you who can help you create your power of attorney.

Having a durable financial power of attorney in Michigan place can help your family avoid disaster in case anything happens to you that leaves you incapacitated. We never know what could happen to us tomorrow, so it’s best to put a plan in place today.

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About Author -Jim Turner is a USA based author of Legal issues related to estate planning, will & trust , business law and elder law .Jim Turner does his best writing on these topics that helps users to find the best solutions to their FAQ on estate planning , probate , living trust and more about legal family issues .